Friday, May 26, 2023

Prime Video: The Science of Gardening

Prime Video: The Science of Gardening

The Science of Gardening
Season 1
When scientists examine home gardens and landscapes, one fact stands out: The leading cause of landscape failure is not disease and it’s not pests - it’s our own gardening practices. Create a beautiful and sustainable home garden guided by the newest information from applied plant physiology, biology, soils science, climatology, hydrology, chemistry, and ecology.
24 episodes
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
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S1 E1 - Garden Science: Weeding Out the Myths

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
How many of your horticultural practices are based on anecdotal evidence from your neighbor or grandmother, and how do you assess their validity? In the midst of an unregulated "Wild West" of gardening products and practices, you can learn to access science-based information to create your sustainable dream garden.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E2 - Site Analysis: Choosing the Right Spot

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Many of us make our landscape choices based on plant aesthetics. Instead, learn to first identify your location's topography, prevailing winds, hydrology, soil type, and other environmental factors. Then you'll be able to choose a plant well-suited for the long term. And you'll avoid season after season of frustration.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E3 - Soil Analysis: What Makes Soil Great?

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Unless you live in a completely undeveloped area, chances are your home garden soil is not native. Learn what makes a "great" soil and how to determine your own approximate amounts of clay, silt, and sand; texture; nutrients; pH; and more - before you purchase that "must have" soil addition from the gardening store.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E4 - Living Soils: Bacteria and Fungi

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Just as humans cannot grow without our supportive microbiome, neither can plants. Plant roots, bacterial sheathes, and long filaments of fungus all function together to support the plant's growth, enhancing the uptake of water and nutrients and improving soil structure. But what happens to this crucial symbiosis when you add unnecessary fertilizers?
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E5 - Plant Selection: Natives versus Non-Natives

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Native plants are always a better home-garden choice than non-natives, right? We know they are best suited to thrive in the soils and ecosystems of the area, and will create the best wildlife habitat. But does garden science support those "truths"? You might be surprised to learn how introduced species can enhance your garden and landscape biodiversity.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E6 - Plant Selection: Function and Form

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
In addition to its aesthetic value, your landscaping can provide privacy, protect soils from erosion, moderate temperature, manage storm-water runoff, provide wildlife habitat, and more. Learn how to select the appropriate plants with respect to morphology, growth rates, and physiology to help achieve your specific goals for various locations on your property.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E7 - Plant Selection: Finding Quality Specimens

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Half the battle of successful landscaping is starting with the healthiest specimens - not, as we sometimes prefer, the largest. Learn how to inspect nursery plants from the crown to the ground for evidence of quality and health, and how to estimate root health by checking for suckers on single-trunk trees, root flare, surface roots, and the "tippy test."
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E8 - Soil Preparation and Protection

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
"Don't plant before you fertilize!" Chances are you've heard that admonishment more than once. But gardening science has revealed that many popular practices - including fertilizing every time you plant - are neither necessary nor sustainable. Learn about a more natural way to add organic material to your garden to protect soil structure and nourish your plants.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E9 - The Truth about Mulch

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Learn about the wide variety of mulch types - from glass to wood to compost - and the science-based pros and cons of each. By considering your specific site conditions and personal aesthetics, you can blend a variety of mulches to transform a struggling landscape into one that's healthier and more sustainable.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E10 - Planting for Survival

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Current research supports the need to radically change the way we've been planting trees for the past half century. Although considered controversial by nursery professionals, learn why plant science supports the "old" method of bare-root planting. This technique can improve tree survival because a vigorous root system will better support a healthy crown.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E11 - Aftercare for New Plants

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Once your new plant is in the ground, how should you take care of it? Learn the basics of watering, mulching, fertilizing, staking, and pruning newly transplanted trees or shrubs - and why this care might change in subsequent seasons when the plant is well established. Not sure if your newly planted tree is experiencing healthy root growth? Try the wiggle test.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E12 - Plant Nutrition: Evidence-Based Fertilizing

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
The goal of fertilizing is to match your soil and plant needs - micro- and macronutrients, and other chemical requirements - with the appropriate sources of nutrition. By understanding your specific soil test results, you can determine which nutrients are deficient, which might already be present in toxic quantities, and whether or not to buy organic.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E13 - The Art and Science of Pruning

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Have you ever seen a tree cut painted with tar or another sealant? Or seen a crown chopped completely bare? Both are common practices that we now know are harmful to the plant. Using applied plant physiology and science-based guidelines, learn the best timing and methods for pruning that will lead to healthy tree growth for the long term.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E14 - Creating Safe Food Gardens

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
While it seems intuitive that vegetables grown in your home garden will be safer and healthier than those purchased at the supermarket, that could be a dangerous assumption. Does your garden soil contain elements of concern, especially cadmium or lead? If so, learn how to best respond - whether in plant choices or creative garden design.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E15 - Water-Wise Landscaping

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Learn how to reduce water use and protect water quality using knowledge of plant biochemistry, transpiration, and photosynthesis. Designing garden modifications, choosing appropriate plants based on morphology and color, and incorporating shading and mulch to reduce evaporation are just some of the water-wise techniques that will help conserve water.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E16 - Diagnosing Diseases and Disasters

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
The most common cause of death for home garden plants is poor horticultural practices, not disease or pests. With this step-by-step guide to diagnosing plant problems, you'll learn how to appropriately remedy any problem - and when the plant will heal on its own. You'll also be able to identify the warning signs of future problems, so you can treat the issue before it's too late.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E17 - Gardening CSI: Case Studies

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Take a virtual field trip to see examples of unhealthy plants and learn how to diagnose their problems based on the science of plant physiology. You'll see tree girdling, plants that become smaller instead of larger, scorched shrubs, and more. Once you understand the physiology behind these problems, you'll be better able to diagnose and treat any of your garden's plants that might be failing.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E18 - Integrated Pest Management

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
There is no lack of chemicals to get rid of the pests in your garden - whether that pest is a plant, insect, or other organism. But for long-term health, integrated pest management provides a better, systematic, science-based approach with a minimum of chemical inputs.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E19 - Understanding Pesticides

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Yes, there can be an appropriate time for judicious use of chemical pesticides in your garden. Learn why you should always stick with those approved by the EPA and your state department of agriculture, and never use the home remedies promoted on the Internet or in non-science-based books. Are organics always safer ecologically than synthetics? You'll be surprised.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E20 - What to Do about Weeds

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
If you have a garden in the U.S., chances are you're familiar with the damage caused by English ivy, kudzu, purple loosestrife, and/or the tamarisk tree. Each of these hardy plants can quickly create a monoculture, driving out other plant species and limiting the availability of diverse animal habitat. Learn the best science-based mechanisms to control these plants.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E21 - What to Do about Insects

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Before you resort to chemical sprays - which can kill all insects, not just the pests you're targeting - learn how to manage insects by increasing plant diversity, establishing "trap" plants, and using repellents and tools including your basic garden hose. Understanding the life cycle and reproductive physiology of the insect will help you make the most effective management choices.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E22 - What to Do about Herbivores

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
You could spend a lot of money trying to keep slugs, rats, moles, rabbits, squirrels, deer, and other herbivores out of your garden. But most of those purchases would have little, if any, value, especially if feeding pressure is high in the surrounding habitat. Learn about the few options that are both safe and effective. And remember, "man's best friend" might be your garden's best friend, too.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E23 - Tackling Garden Myths and Misinformation

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
If you can't trust the Internet home remedy or the local gardening salesperson, whom can you trust? Make science-based gardening decisions by assessing the credibility, relevance, accuracy, and purpose of the information you read. Learn the role played by peer review, the crucial difference between correlation and causation, and how to watch out for over-extrapolation and misapplied science.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E24 - Applied Garden Science: Success Stories

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Two specific transformation stories - a wetlands restoration and a home garden project - reflect the benefit of science-based planning by considering soils, temperature, sunlight, moisture, water table, and likely pests. Learn how to become a citizen scientist and contribute to the field by asking the hard questions and knowing how to assess the strength of the answers.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

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